Virgo Island Chicken

Contributed by Jessica Virgo

Virgo Island Chicken (Rosemary Chicken)

6 Frozen Chicken Thighs/Breast with Skin
6 Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
½ cup of Champagne
The Rub:
2 Teaspoons Sugar
1 ½ Teaspoons Dried Thyme
1 Teaspoon Ground Jamaican Allspice
½ Teaspoon Salt
¼ Teaspoon Black Pepper
¼ Teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
1/8 Teaspoon Ground Cloves

1. Place 3 pieces of chicken in a dish and pour ¼ cup of champagne over it. Defrost the chicken in the microwave. Once the first 3 pieces are defrosted repeat for the other 3 pieces.
2. While the Chicken is defrosting combine the Sugar, Thyme, Jamaican Allspice, Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and Cloves together.
3. When the first 3 pieces of chicken are defrosted place the rub under the skin, on the skin, and on the back of the chicken. Then place one fresh rosemary sprig under the skin of each chicken. Repeat for the other 3 pieces.
4. If using a charcoal BBQ (highly recommended), start the coals now. Place 3 pieces of chicken into a dish and cook in the microwave for 10 minutes. When those are done, place the other 3 pieces in the microwave and cook for 10 minutes.
5. The coals should be ready, place hickory chips onto the coals, and place the rack on the BBQ.
6. Place the chicken on the BBQ and cover leaving the lid vent open and cook.

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