Global Warming is a Crock!

I was delighted after watching “George Carlin on Global Warming” on YouTube.  I know, I know, this was published last year, so I finally emerged from my rock and had an EPHIONY!   Mr. Carlin is one of the most intelligent and articulate men who ever lived and now I see why!  He is RIGHT ON TARGET in this video!  It moved me so much, I felt I had to share it:

New Twitter Jitter Blog!

Hi Folks, I just launched a new blog (website coming soon) for sharing my love for Twitter!  I know this may be a “fad” but it’s gaining popularity at a breakneck speed!  I will be posting “twitterjitters” on my new blog, so feel free to bookmark!  I will also be adding cool info and news all related to Twitter, so please enjoy!

Twitter Jitter Pic

I Love Facebook!

Most onliners are probably aware of Facebook by now, a slighty more unique twist from MySpace.  I can’t tell you how many long lost friends and family I have been able to track down and connect with in a very short period of time!  I recently convinced my husband to join and now he is just as hooked.  What a great way to catch a virtual glimpse into everyone’s lives and stay connected so easily?  I can quick post comments, links to blogs, event photos and play games all from one place.  It’s just wonderful, and highly recommended!  Check it out:!

My Facebook Profile

My Facebook Profile