New Twitter Jitter Blog!

Hi Folks, I just launched a new blog (website coming soon) for sharing my love for Twitter!  I know this may be a “fad” but it’s gaining popularity at a breakneck speed!  I will be posting “twitterjitters” on my new blog, so feel free to bookmark!  I will also be adding cool info and news all related to Twitter, so please enjoy!

Twitter Jitter Pic

I Love Facebook!

Most onliners are probably aware of Facebook by now, a slighty more unique twist from MySpace.  I can’t tell you how many long lost friends and family I have been able to track down and connect with in a very short period of time!  I recently convinced my husband to join and now he is just as hooked.  What a great way to catch a virtual glimpse into everyone’s lives and stay connected so easily?  I can quick post comments, links to blogs, event photos and play games all from one place.  It’s just wonderful, and highly recommended!  Check it out:!

My Facebook Profile

My Facebook Profile

“It’s Like Seeing a Blue Tiger in a Jungle…”

“It’s like seeing a blue tiger in a jungle…it just isn’t going to happen.  You will never succeed without me.” 

Blue Tiger in a Jungle

I have never forgotten those words that were said to me when I was just 15.  They have been the words that kept me motivated to finally open my own business, “Blue Tiger Creative Media“.  I made it official on July 17, 2008 and I am so happy to finally have achieved it.  The funny thing is, I am actually glad those words were once said to me, because I was bound and determined to be successful, on my own two feet, and it inspired the company name as well.  And here I am, 20 years later and looking forward to the challenges ahead of me.  Look out world!  There’s a BLUE TIGER roaring to get noticed!!

I LOVE the SIMS (1 & 2, and soon 3)!!!

It was just about 6 years ago when I first discovered the joy of the SIMS, a creation by Will Wright, a game designer from Atlanta, Georgia who had big dreams to bring his small ideas to life.  In February 2000, he released Sims in conjunction with EA Games and the world has never been the same.  Sims gave way to Sims 2 and soon here, Sims 3 will be released (and I am SO EXCITED!!).  I believe I have every expansion pack both in SIMS and SIMS 2 and I just can’t get enough!  He recently designed and released SPORE, a monster creating game that may not be as fun for me, but none-the-less, it is very cool!

I want to share some of the cool houses I made in SIMS and SIMS 2 and the rest are in a collection in my ONLINE ALBUMS, enjoy!