Another Day of Heat

This is my first blog.  I am new to the “blogging” thing but decided to give it a whirl and see if I can link it to my existing website.

The heat in the Valley here is really starting to “burn”.  It reached about 114* yesterday and I don’t know about you, but to me that is STUPIDLY STUPID HOT.  I mean, please!  I don’t live in Death Valley, do I????  My air conditioning bill is going to be HELLA STUPIDLY HIGH and what is the purpose people???!!!  Ok, I’m done.  Besides that, I am sitting inside a very nicely cooled air-conditioned office so who am I to complain???  Besides, even though it’s ANOTHER HELLA HOT DAY OF HEAT out there, I don’t care!  Unless I have to run errands.  Even then, I am lucky to have my gym towels to soak up so more sweat, hey!  Yeah?  Who needs the gym?  LOL, no seriously folks, drink lots of water.  I’m going to need it.
