Pencil Drawing – Rhinoceros

I love pencil drawing, so i decided to record myself.  The actual drawing took me 28 minutes from start to finish, but don’t worry, the final video is just over 3 minutes.  I imported the recorded video to Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 and sped it up by 1,000%.  I added some funky Beethoven music and then scanned the finished drawing.  I had a blast making both the drawing and the final video, please enjoy!

My First Animations

I have been fascinated with illustration and animation since childhood, but now since I purchased my digital drawing pad (Wacom Intuos 2 small – which I highly recommend), I am now dabbling in the world of digital illustration & animation.  Here is a few of my first Flash animations:

This was my VERY FIRST ONE, and of my cat, Smokey.  He has so much personality that I thought this was very fitting of him.

This is Kayla, a 6 yr old with a lisp.  Since I myself have a lisp, she was an easy character to create.  Since Flash is very new to me, I wanted to keep the drawings very simple so I could focus on lip synching.

This is Kayla again and of courssssse, she is afraid is sssssnakes, high-lisp potential here, just couldn’t resist!

Now this is simply just an inside joke, a very short one-liner from our friend, John.   Looks like him too, lol!

Scrapbooking Gallore!

I recently stumbled upon digital scrapbooking and now I am totally addicted!  It’s like blogging, but visually.  I started learning some lettering techniques then gathered lots of embellishements & background images (I recommend, and  After some ideas and Photoshop tutorials, I designed new pages including the one below which was uploaded to Scrapbook Flair, I am now working on new ones.  The rest can be found at my gallery: – !
My Dog Annie, A scrapbook just for her!

My Dog Annie, A scrapbook just for her!

These Drawings are AMAZING!!!!

Ok, I thought I was pretty good at drawing, (see my pencil drawings), until I stumbled on  These people use digital pads or mice to make the most vividly stunning drawings that are created right in front of your eyes!  I am absolutely speechless!  I tried to create a drawing live online but my mouse is not smooth enough, it kept catching on my mousepad, so until I get a digital tablet, forget it!!! So far my favorite artist is “GoldDragonfly“, if you have a few moments, PLEASE take the time to watch her draw “Reflections” and “Ssssssnake“….AMAZING!!!!