I Love Family Guy!


I can’t help it, the immature teenager inside of me just can’t get enough of Family Guy.  It’s true!  I admit, there are times when it can get a bit strange, but who doesn’t appreciate the twisted humor?   My favorite character is definitely the father, Peter.  He always cracks me up!  I also like Bryan, the dog, very cool character.  I am least fond of Stewie, who in my opinion, is a bit too demented.  I admit, however, there have been many times he made me laugh.  Most of the time, though, Stewie’s character says some pretty off-the-wall, and frankly, totally uncool stuff.  Never-the-less, I can’t get enough of the show!  I watch it at work from Hulu, a cool free online place for watching full episodes of all my favorite shows. Now excuse while I go watch so Family Guy!