Ravens are such BULLIES!!!

I woke up today to find two California Condors sunning in a tree not far from our deck in Idyllwild.  A Raven sees the two Condors and decides he doesn’t like this.  Immediately he starts pestering them:

Ravens Bully the Condors
A raven decides he doesn’t like condors in his tree.
The Ravens shows the Condors who’s Boss….
Wingspan of Condor
The Condor shows the Raven his….Wingspan
Lone Tree
The Raven wins, no more Condors, no more Ravens

The Condors spanned their wings repeatedly in order to defend their tree but the Raven kept up.  He eventually brought another Raven to help him in the assault.  They attacked the Condors from both sides.  In the end, the ravens chased off the Condors only to abandon the tree themselves.  They didn’t want the tree – they wanted to show the Condors who’s the boss!  I thought this was unbelievable!  And to top it off, about two hours later, I watched the Ravens chase off a RedTail Hawk who was just cruising over my house.  The ganged up on it, dived bomb its head and kept chasing it until it too, flew off!  I tell you, Ravens are the Bullies of the bird world!