28 Things

1. My name is Shawna Rochelle Sullivan and I have many nicknames – more than Sylvester Stallone.

2. I shamelessly stole the idea for this list from another person’s blog.

3. I rode the bus to school when I was younger, my bus driver’s name was Mr. McGinty.

4. A few years later, Mrs. Connelly decided I was gifted.

5. I plan on retiring my career when I’m 55 and becoming an owner of a bookstore in the mountains, growing my hair long, sniffing Patchouli and writing creative stories for cats.

6. I graduated with honors from College but have never furthered my career. I want to get a Bachelor’s someday.

7. I will never stop learning.

8. I love techy stuff and cool gadgets.

9. I love the word “stuff”. I use it every chance I get.

10. I love books, and buy lots of them even though I rarely read them.

11. I am close to my family and friends.

12. I was named after a Rochelle Street in Palm Springs.

13. I have been to Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Texas, Colorado, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee, New Jersey, New York and DC.

14. I just got married. I have never been married before and I dont ever want a divorce!

15. I love kids, they are fun to be around although I don’t want any of my own right now.

16. I love trivia and puzzles. I always buy puzzle books, crossword puzzles, wordsearches, logic puzzles and I actually finish most of them.

17. I have over 2,000 songs in my iTunes library.

18. I remember the full name of every boy I had a crush on.

19. I’ve never smoked, never used illegal drugs, and have only been drunk about 5 times. I smoke a cigar about 2 times a year.

20. I do laundry about 3 x a week. My largest load is darks.

21. I like wearing sweats and a T-shirt around the house when doing chores.

22. I love leftovers, sometimes they are better than the original meal.

23. I bought my first computer in August 2001. It was a Gateway 2000 and it rocked.

24. I have been to the top of the Haleakala Volcano (elevation 10,000 Feet) in Maui, Hawaii.

25. I stole a pack of gum when I was 6. I felt bad and told my mother. I never stole again.

26. I jumped out of an airplane at over 10,000 Feet to skydive on July 7, 2000.

27. I’m generally a very happy person.

28. If there is a reason for me being here, I believe it was to prove that elves really live among people.