“It’s Like Seeing a Blue Tiger in a Jungle…”

“It’s like seeing a blue tiger in a jungle…it just isn’t going to happen.  You will never succeed without me.” 

Blue Tiger in a Jungle

I have never forgotten those words that were said to me when I was just 15.  They have been the words that kept me motivated to finally open my own business, “Blue Tiger Creative Media“.  I made it official on July 17, 2008 and I am so happy to finally have achieved it.  The funny thing is, I am actually glad those words were once said to me, because I was bound and determined to be successful, on my own two feet, and it inspired the company name as well.  And here I am, 20 years later and looking forward to the challenges ahead of me.  Look out world!  There’s a BLUE TIGER roaring to get noticed!!