I LOVE the SIMS (1 & 2, and soon 3)!!!

It was just about 6 years ago when I first discovered the joy of the SIMS, a creation by Will Wright, a game designer from Atlanta, Georgia who had big dreams to bring his small ideas to life.  In February 2000, he released Sims in conjunction with EA Games and the world has never been the same.  Sims gave way to Sims 2 and soon here, Sims 3 will be released (and I am SO EXCITED!!).  I believe I have every expansion pack both in SIMS and SIMS 2 and I just can’t get enough!  He recently designed and released SPORE, a monster creating game that may not be as fun for me, but none-the-less, it is very cool!

I want to share some of the cool houses I made in SIMS and SIMS 2 and the rest are in a collection in my ONLINE ALBUMS, enjoy!